
Praise God. We serve a God of miracles and He's still the Same!

I wrote this a few days ago...........

God came down tonight in revival power, I saw the 'greater works' with my own eyes, salvation has invaded my household, prayers that have been prayed for over a decade were answered tonight, God has broken into my family in an amazing way. Heaven came down tonight, strongholds were broken and glory filled the sanctuary. Things that I was tempted to believe would never happen have came to pass this day. To God alone be all of the glory.

Whoever you are, let me encourage you to keep on believing God for the breakthrough. We serve the God of the breakthrough. Don't stop believing, don't stop praying, don't stop expecting the impossible - He is real, He knows, He cares and He hears the cry of your heart. God still does miracles and still does the impossible. The God of the Book of Acts is not asleep, He isn't retired and He isn't dead.

Some years ago, when seeking the Lord on a salvation-matter, He gave me a specific word from Him through Scripture. The Lord gave a similar message to my wife in July of this year. I'm believing Him as never before for this word to come to pass, I believe that this is beginning to happen. Please stand with me in faith and prayer as I believe God for this blessing to break upon us.

If you aren't saved yet, let me urge you with all of my heart, as someone who genuinely cares about you and loves you, to come to Christ. God really loves you, He sees you, He cares, He is interested in you and He won't throw you away. He longs to bless you, He wants you to go to Heaven. He doesn't want to see anyone in Hell. Please don't let anything hold you back. Please come to Him today. I promise you that you will find that He is real.