
Is Anything Worth NOT Getting Saved?

There are many people who give 'reasons' for not becoming a Christian.

Many of them are bitter against God or bitter against Christians. Many of them have a sin that they don't want to give up. Many of them are simply full of pride and don't want to humble themselves before God and admit that they are going to Hell. Many of them don't want to get saved because their partner / children / friends / parents / family are not saved or are prejudiced against being saved. These are only a few examples of the millions of different reasons that people will give for not getting saved. Many people will give other reasons.

Regardless of what reason is given - no reason is good enough to justify you not getting saved.

Just think about your reason - and then ask yourself the questions, 'is it worth going to Hell over?'

The answer is 'no'.

Is the grudge that you are nursing against God or against a Christian worth you not getting saved and going to Hell forever? Just how much is your arrogance, sense of offense and pride worth? Is it worth going to Hell over?

The answer is 'no'.

It is time for you to be real, see the bigger picture and look at your condition in an eternal perspective.

If you end up in Hell, the power your 'excuse' that you used in order to convince yourself not to get saved will evaporate in less than one second as your body is covered in the fire for the first time. For trillions of years to come, forever and ever, you will be alone in Hell with nothing but your torment and your 'excuse' to keep you company.

Ask yourself - is your excuse (whatever it is) really worth that much? Is it really that valuable?

Your excuse will drag you to Hell, but it will never drag you out of it.

It is time for you to lay down your excuse and come to Christ and be saved.

Christopher Love once said: "O the madness of many men in the world, that they will rather lose a God than lose a lust, than leave their whore, then forsake their profit that comes in by unjust gain."

Come to Christ today and be saved. Don't let anything hold you back from making sure that you are not going to Hell.