
Living in The End Times

In the words of Dr Ian Paisley: "(they declare that) we would have to be eradicated. I want to say from this pulpit today that this is only the beginning. I tell you as this crisis continues, the entire receiving end is going to be on the Protestant and Unionist people. It will especially be on the Protestant people who hold to the Scriptures, view the Pope as the Antichrist, and Romanism as idolatry. They will be at the receiving end" ('The Ulster Crisis: The Bible Way Forward', a sermon preached by Dr. Ian Paisley in Martyrs Memorial Free Presbyterian Church, 04.09.94, p.5).

May God be with us and enable us - no matter what the consequences - to stand firm as the early church did, as the Reformation Martyrs did and as our Covenanting forefathers did, and 'Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb'.

The Lord Jesus Christ is coming back again and He's coming soon. One day this will all be over, the Antichrist's New World Order will be defeated. We are standing upon the great threshold of eternity and the Bible tells us that soon "God will wipe away all tears from their eyes". The things that we are beginning to see happening all around us have been prophesied in the Word of God, thus providing us with yet more evidence to display before those still willing to open their eyes and look at it. Let us all, in the words of Scripture, 'prepare to meet our God' and be ready.