
Evolutionists Celebrate the 150th Anniversary of Darwin with Yet Another 'Evidence Flop'

Despite all of the media hype and excitement amongst evolutionists, the 'missing link' remains ..........'missing'.

The reason why it remains 'missing' is because it isn't there.

The reason why it isn't there is doesn't exist.

Once again, scientific truth has insisted on turning up and raining on their religion's favourite little theory. 150 years on from the publication of Origin of Species, evolution theory remains about as scientific as the flat earthism.

Does Ida Deserve the Attention? (article from 'Answers in Genesis')

Humanzee: Fact or Fantasy (article from 'Creation Science Evangelism')

Not that any of this lack of evidence bothers secularists, a friend of the well known atheist ignoramus Richard Dawkins said recently, "you can afford to be arrogant if you are right". Maybe he is just upset that, after 150 years of trying to do so (funded by your tax money), evolutionists still can't prove their theory.

God's word is as perfect as God is. Once you grasp this, your world is never the same again.